Coming from Orange County, all I ever knew was that babies were born in hospitals. But after a switch midway in my first pregnancy, from a white male OB/Gyn who called women “gals” to a team of magical midwives, my education on the mysteries of the human body and the power of natural childbirth were born.

Mia Mercado nails it as she satirically portrays a frighteningly accurate version of a “guy’s girl” – the ultimate fantasy girl-as-disposable-commodity. I wince when I recognize the self-proclaimed tomboy’s attempt to meet that fantasy, becoming a self-negating-woman-hater.
Author of hit book, "Queens Bees and Wannabe's", Rosalind Wiseman, interviewed hundreds of teen girls to form the basis of how to help teen girls survive high school. Her book was later turned into the blockbuster movie "Mean Girls" and has since been the center of conversation for female bullying.
In this article, written by Paul Tough, he points to qualities kids require to succeed in school - a mix of grit, resilience, and a sense of belonging. One fascinating study showed that teachers who get the highest test scores out of students don’t create the most long term success in children. There is another kind of teacher, one who creates a sense of safety, belonging and belief in themselves, that stays with students long after they leave that classroom.
Where are they?
As a member of the #MeToo reSisters who stand against normalizing sexual harassment and the domination of women, I notice a deafening silence among men both publicly and in private. While I expect it of those men who make a practice of using their power to steal sexual access to women who lack such power, what about the other guys?